Sunday 13 July 2014

Comic-Con 2014

OMG I don't even know where to start, this year was my first ever Comic-con and I had no idea what to expect, being a cross stitcher I'd been to other conventions before but this was like nothing I'd ever seen.

First off the QUEUE! We arrived at Earl's Court at around 8.30 in the morning, we hadn't bought our tickets but we thought we'd probably get in around 9/9.30 buying them on the door.... Tachiko's friend Andy arrived at 10.30ish and we were still in the queue....

By this time the sun was shining in full force and everyone was getting a little bored of standing around doing nothing, thankfully the Cos-Players didn't mind posing for photos!!

Army of Spidermen

"I'm Batman!!"

this guy's Ironman suit was way too cool! He'd wired it up so that the faceplate actually lifted up and down at the push of a button!

There were some pretty sweet rides on display just outside the convention centre too :)

[Transformers pics will be here when Ben sends them....]

By about 11.45 we finally made it into the hall where we were greeted by a wall of people all trying to look at everything, the Stan Lee photoshoots were already sold out and we'd passed the signing queues on the way in, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. We decided to make our way to the back of the convention and then work our way back to the front as we were hoping it would be less crowded, turns out the back of the hall was where all the other celebrity signings were going on. We saw George A. Romero and Anthony Head doing signings but couldn't really see anyone else over the crowd...

....that is until I spotted Mark Gatiss (Mycroft in BBC's Sherlock series) being escorted to the other hall for a Sherlock preview talk! We decided against attending as it meant battling our way back through the crowds to the other hall, instead we went and had a look at the Sherlock set and took some photos,

yes I was dressed up as Misty from Pokemon, Tachiko was supposed to dress up too but decided against it...

Soon it was time for us to head out and get some lunch, leaving the convention centre at around 1pm some people were still queueing to get in!! Walking around the corner to Burger King we spotted a familiar face in the traffic....

This guy was amazing! No only was he totally in character despite there not being many people around he was holding up the traffic behind him to do so! By far one of my favourite cos-players of the day :)

After lunch we headed back into the convention centre madhouse for some more shopping. We also headed over to the other hall where Stan Lee was at around 4.30 and the queue for people waiting to get in was still there!! We'd overhead someone at lunchtime saying the building had hit capacity and that they weren't letting anyone else in, so why people were still queueing I have no idea. We took a couple more cosplay pics as well :)

does anyone know who/what this is?!

"Everything is awesome!! Everything is cool when...."

Lara Croft :)

The other hall was the comic zone & the game zone, turns out the game zone was just that, lots of retro arcade games for people to try and they had a mariokart tournament going on, giving people the chance to race against the mariokart world champion (or something like that, I forgot to take a picture of him and I can't remember what his t-shirt said now!)

The comic zone was pretty cool, I met one of the graphic novel artists for one of the Doctor Who novels I own (if I'd known he was going to be there I would have bought my copy for him to sign...) He was selling some prints of his work for £5 so I asked him to sign one of them for me. Turned out the print I bought was originally designed to be the cover when the story was going to run with the 10th doctor rather than the 11th.

I also bought this cool Sonic the Hedgehog print for £10, we got chatting to the artist and it turned out that he was commissioned by Sega to design a calender for the game stockists back in 1993 and that this was one of the prints he designed for it. He was lovely and signed the print for me too :)

The hall also had a couple of Batmobiles on display...random given that Stan Lee was there...I wonder how he felt about that!!

Pretty soon it was time for us to head for home, mostly because we were shattered but also because the event was closing. I had a great time, despite the queues and the crowds and I definitely can't wait for next year but next time I'll bring some more money with me! Saying that I think we came away with a pretty good haul!

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